A Whack on the Neck

Nasreddin Hodja visited a certain town on personal business. In the market a man hit him on the neck. Hodja turned around to see who hit him. “Please, forgive me,” said the man. “You appear from behind to resemble someone I hate.” “I don’t think so!” replied Hodja with an aching neck, “We must report this event to the town judge!”

The judge listened carefully to both Hodja and the man, and pronounced, “I will fine him to pay you a hundred akche (coin). Do you agree to this?” Hodja accepted. But the man had no money to pay, so the judge let him go to find it.

Hodja didn’t like letting him free. He waited a long time, and finally figured the judge helped his citizen run away. Losing patience, Hodja gave the judge a strong whack on his neck.

“Dear mister Judge,” said Hodja. “Since the price of a hit on the neck is a hundred akche, you may collect it for me, from the man who hit me. You may be familiar with this kind of compensation, but I’ve got lots of business to do before returning to my village.”


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