2020-11-30 Being Parktdolg Duty

Beelzebub’s Tales

Chapter 17 – The arch-absurd: According to the assertion of Beelzebub, our sun neither lights nor heats

“You should also know that only one cosmic crystallization, known as the ‘Omnipresent Okidanokh,’ …has its prime arising from the three holy sources of the sacred ‘Theomertmalogos,’ that is, from the emanations of the Most Holy Sun Absolute.

“Everywhere in the Universe this Omnipresent Okidanokh, or ‘omnipresent active element,’ takes part in the formation of all arisings, both great and small, and is in general the principal cause of most cosmic phenomena and, in particular, of those proceeding in the atmospheres

…when a new cosmic unit is being concentrated, the ‘omnipresent active element’ does not blend as a whole with this new arising, nor is it transformed as a whole in any definite place in it—as occurs with all other cosmic crystallizations in all these cosmic formations—but as soon as it enters as a whole into any cosmic unit, there immediately occurs in it what is called ‘djartklom,’ that is, it is dispersed into the three fundamental sources from which it arose Then these three sources, each separately, give rise to the independent concentration of three new distinct formations within the cosmic unit. And in this way the ‘omnipresent active element’ actualizes, at the beginning of every such new arising, sources for the possible manifestation of its own sacred law of Triamazikamno.

“And so, my boy, in the presence of each one of your favorites,… since they have entirely ceased to fulfill being-partkdolgduty, chiefly because of the abnormal conditions of being-existence gradually established by them themselves, none of these holy sources of everything existing is transubstantiated for their own presences, except the denying source alone.

“The crystallizations that arise in their presence from the first and third holy forces are utilized almost entirely by the common-cosmic trogoautoegocratic process, and only the crystallizations of the second part of the Omnipresent Okidanokh, the Holy Denying, serve for the coating of their own presence. Hence most of them remain with a presence consisting of the planetary body alone, and are thus, for themselves, destroyed forever.

“The point is that beings having this three-brained system can, by the conscious and intentional fulfilling of being-partkdolgduty, utilize for their own presence the three holy forces liberated from the Omnipresent Okidanokh by the process of ‘djartklom,’ and so bring their presence to what is called the ‘sakronoolantsaknian’ state, that is to say, they can become Individuals who have their own sacred law of Triamazikamno, and thereby the possibility of consciously taking in and coating in their common presence that ‘All-Holy’ which, among other things, helps to actualize the functioning in cosmic units of objective or divine Reason.

Beelzebub’s Tales

Chapter 46 – Beelzebub explains to his grandson the significance of the form and sequence which he chose for expounding the information concerning men

“And in the ‘Reason of understanding,’ the first factor, that is, the Holy Affirming, consists of the newly perceived impressions in whatever localization is, at the given moment, the ‘center of gravity of functioning’, the second, or Holy Denying, consists of the corresponding data already present in another of the localizations, and the third factor consists of what are known as the ‘being-autokolitzikners’ …which is a word that means ‘the results of perseveringly actualizing the striving to manifest one’s own individuality. ‘

“…the ‘being-autokolitzikners’ are formed in all three localizations in the presence of three-brained beings only from the results of the actualization of
‘being-partkdolgduty,’ that is to say, thanks to those factors which, from the very first arising of three-brained beings, were destined by our Uni-Being Common Father to be the means for self-perfecting.

The Reality of Being

#114. To stay in front

…The finest and highest energy I could know does not animate me. It is not here. I need to feel this, to feel that my force is taken and I cannot be transformed. I am not open to a higher level, a higher thinking. I have to suffer this lack, to stay resolutely in front of it. Little by little this will become more important than anything else. But it requires giving all of myself. And the ego always reasserts its dominance. To stay in front is voluntary suffering.

…I must not oblige myself to be available, or discipline myself. It is not a question of failing or succeeding, but of seeing whether I wish to be open to this essential energy. This brings about a deep letting go in a right and natural way, and allows a certain freedom. I pass beyond the recriminations of my ordinary “I.”

The Reality of Being

#115. I must live the insufficiency

In order to have a contact with the higher centers, it is necessary to increase the intensity of the lower centers. Their vibrations have to intensify through seeing and suffering the lack, a conscious suffering. …I need to be in contact with an energy whose quality frees my attention from the action of other energies. But the connection is difficult to establish. I am attached to all my actions. There is a feeling that has not appeared. I need a conscious relation that keeps me from being taken right and left, and a feeling that allows the relation to last. For this I must stay in front, I must live the insufficiency….

I suffer from my lack, my incapacity. I am closed, the passage is not free. I suffer this, that is, I stay in front, accepting the friction between the “yes” and the “no.” I see the resistance, the passivity, and I see myself give up, abdicate my wish to be, in order to go toward sleep. I struggle to stay in front, not to prevail, but to observe the constant changes in myself. … The thinking and the sensation intensify through the active force of this attention, which maintains a relation between them. A new feeling appears when the conditions of suffering are accepted, even wished for. I accept my powerlessness and I suffer. In this staying in front of my insufficiency, the energy intensifies and becomes an active force that obliges the passive force to obey.

The Reality of Being

#2. The sacred manifests as inner consciousness

… Truth, the only truth, is in consciousness.

Everything that exists is constituted of three forces. They can be represented as the Father, the active force; the Son, the passive force; and the Holy Spirit, the neutralizing force. The Father creates the Son. The Son returns to the Father. The force that descends is the one that wishes to return, to go back up.

In man it is the mind that is opposed to the body. The neutralizing force is the wish that unites them, connects them. Everything comes from the wish, the will. …Where the three forces are reunited, God is. Where our attention is, God is. When two forces are opposed and a third unites them, God is here. …