The Merchant and the Thief

In India many years ago, a merchant who had completed a lucrative business deal started on his way home. As he walked he counted his money, and he was pleased with the amount. After some distance, he was joined by another merchant who suggested that, as there were brigands in the area, it would be in their better interests if they traveled together. The first merchant readily agreed, not knowing that the second merchant was really a thief who had already been following the merchant for some time.

They continued their journey together. When the sun began to dip below the horizon, they came to an inn where they could spend the night. The thief suggested that they share a room. It would be cheaper, he reasoned, and they could keep one another company. The merchant readily agreed. After dinner both men, exhausted from their journey, immediately retired. In the morning the thief observed the merchant very carefully and when the merchant left the room to take his bath, the thief proceeded to search through the merchant’s bags. Finding nothing, he began to look everywhere: under the merchant’s mattress, through his clothing, under his pillow, but he could not find the money.

Later, after having breakfast, they continued on their journey. Again, in the evening, they stopped at a local inn and once more, when morning came, the same scenario took place. When the merchant had left the room, naked save for a towel wrapped around his waist, the thief searched the merchant’s bags, his clothing, under his pillow, under the mattress and so on. Again he couldn’t find the money. It began to drive him crazy. He thought again of the sight of the merchant counting his money at the side of the little road. It must be somewhere the thief thought to himself.

Once again they traveled all day. That evening, however, they came to the merchant’s house. As they were saying goodbye the thief broke down and confessed that he was not really a merchant, but a thief, and that his intention in traveling with him was to rob him of his money. “You drove me crazy” said the thief. “I looked every where, in your bags, through your clothes, under your pillow, under the mattress, I searched everywhere I could think of and I still couldn’t find the money. Tell me where you hid it and I promise you I will never steal again.”

“All right,” said the merchant, “if you really promise to not ever steal, I’ll tell you. I hid it under your pillow.”


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