The Angel of Death

A Sufi was at home one day when his friend, Abdullah, ran in.

“You must lend me 50 kopeks immediately,” he said. “I was just in a café in the market place when I suddenly saw the angel of death. He stared straight at me! I’m sure he’s come to take me, so I need to leave the city immediately. I’m going to Medina—I’m sure that’s far enough away, and I’ll be safe there. You must loan me the money for the fare.”

The Sufi gave him the money, and after his friend’s departure, thought, “I’ve never seen the angel of death. It might be possible to meet him, and even learn something from him.”

So, he put on his coat, and went to the market place, hoping the angel of death was still there. After a while the Sufi found him sitting at a table in a café. After introducing himself the Sufi asked, “Are you really the angel of death?” Upon receiving an affirmative reply, the Sufi asked if he could speak with him for a while.

“I’m sorry,” said the angel of death, “but I have to leave right now. I have an appointment in Medina this afternoon with a man named Abdullah.”


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