Look Who Thinks He’s Nothing

Passing by a temple in a small village, a beggar, exhausted from a day of fruitless begging, went in to rest for a while. In a dim spot near the altar he sat quietly.

In time the village mayor entered, and knelt before the altar. He prayed, “Lord I need your help because our village has many problems. I know I am nothing. It is your voice that has to act through me. I myself am insignificant. Oh Lord, please help us in this time of need.” He then rose, and sat in a seat near the altar.

Then the village banker entered. He also knelt before the altar and prayed, “God, now is the time for your mercy to fall upon us. We face difficult times ahead, and I know that even though I will do all I can, I am really nothing. And it is not me, but you, that will act in me. You must act and help us, I know you will not desert us.” He then sat next to the mayor.

The beggar, watching and hearing all this, was touched. Before leaving he decided it would be good if he also prayed. So he, too, knelt before the altar, and began to pray, “Lord, help me, I know I am nothing…”

Overhearing this, the mayor nudged the banker, and whispered, “Hah! Look who thinks he’s nothing!”


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