Troublesome Snake

A master traveling the back roads of India came to a small village, and decided to spend the night. The villagers were so hospitable and nice to him, that the next morning, while getting ready to leave, he said to them, “I am, in fact, a great magician. As you were so kind to me, I will grant you any wish, if it is within my powers to do so. Tell me, what do you want?”

The townspeople were overjoyed to hear this, as a very large snake was at that time biting many people, and terrorizing the village.

“Please great master,” they asked, “stop the snake from biting us.”

“Easily done,” the master said, and went off to find the snake.

Upon finding the snake the master said, “You know I have power over all forms of life, and you must do my bidding.”

“Yes,” said the snake, “what is it you wish of me.”

“Well,” said the master, “from now on you are not to bite the people of this village. Will you take this vow?”

“Yes,” answered the snake, “I promise.”

The master traveled on, and about a year later found himself in the same area. Remembering the village, and their kindness, he returned to again spent the night there. In the morning he asked the villagers if they still had a problem with the snake. The villagers laughed, saying that since his last visit everything had been fine.

Upon leaving the master also decided to visit the snake, and went to find him. But no matter how hard he looked, there was no sign of him. Just about to give up searching, he heard a faint sound from behind a rock, so he looked. There was the snake, but now just a shadow of his former self. Bruised and beaten, he appeared to be at the door of death.

“How did you get into this terrible state?” asked the master. “What has happened to you?”

“You asked me not to bite the villagers,” replied the snake, “now they aren’t afraid of me. Whenever they see me they throw stones at me, and beat me with their clubs. All I can do now is hide.”

“You fool,” said the master, “I ordered you not to bite them, but I didn’t tell you not to hiss.”


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