Mullah’s Girlfriend

  1. The young lady’s hopes had been high for two years while Mulla Nasrudin remained silent on the question of marriage. Then one evening he said to her, “I had a most unusual dream last night. I dreamed that I asked to marry you. I wonder what that means.” “That means,” said his girlfriend, “that you have more sense asleep than you have awake.”
  2. “Well, young man, I understand you want to become my son-in-law,” said the father to his daughter’s boyfriend, Mulla Nasrudin. “No, sir, not exactly,” replied Nasrudin. “but if I marry your daughter, I don’t see how i can get out of it.”
  3. Mulla Nasrudin was talking to a friend about his recently broken romance. “Do you mean,” asked the friend, “that at her request, you gave up drinking, and smoking, and gambling, and dancing, and playing pool?” “Yes, just because she insisted,” said the Mulla. “Then why didn’t you marry her?” the fellow asked. “Well, after all that reforming,” said Nasrudin, “I decided i could do better.”
  4. A girlfriend at a cocktail party said to Mulla Nasrudin, “I keep hearing you use the word ‘idiot;’ I hope you are not referring to me.” “Don’t be so conceited,” said the Mulla. “as if there were no other idiots in the world!”


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