A Wise Mullah

One day the Mullah and his wife were in the village buying goods for the feast to be held that week. He saw a man he had counseled to the faith, but who had yet to renounce his infidel Christian ways. The Mullah greeted him with a holy blessing.

“I thank you” the infidel replied. “And how do you fare, good Mullah?” The Mullah answered, “I am blessed by Allah with a good wife and many fine children. You can see how Allah blesses true believers this way. You are still a bachelor, and an infidel. But I am sure if you took up the true faith Allah would grant you a wife.” The young man answered, “I am not convinced that getting a wife is enough to make me convert.”

The Mullah knew this young man was quite taken with the fairer sex, and so he explained, “Mohammed, in his wisdom, decreed that it was Allah’s will that a man be allowed to have as many wives as he wishes. I know your infidel faith does not allow more than one wife.” This impressed the young man. “This is true. I might be persuaded by such an argument.”

Just then the Mullah’s wife rudely shouted at him to quit gossiping and carry her purchases. The infidel asked, “If you are allowed many wives, why is it that you, a Mullah, have only one wife?” “The answer is simple,” the Mullah replied. “The prophet said it was allowed, he never said it was a good idea!”


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