2021-10-18 Emanations

All and Everything: Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson

Chapter 21 – The first visit of Beelzebub to India – (Beelzebub Quoting Buddah)

…Saint Buddha had told them, …’Each of the three-centered beings existing on the various planets of our Great Universe, …must in reality be nothing other than a particle of that Most Great Greatness which is the All-Embracing of all that exists…

” ‘This Most Great Foundation of the All-Embracing of everything existing constantly emanates throughout the whole of the Universe, and on the planets it coats from its particles certain three-centered beings who have attained in their common presence the capacity to have their own functioning of the two fundamental cosmic laws of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh and the sacred Triamazikamno, so that these particles form a definite unit, in which alone divine Objective Reason has the possibility of becoming concentrated and fixed. ‘And this has been foreseen and created in this manner … so that when these particles of the Great All-Embracing return, now spiritualized by divine Reason, and reblend with the Prime Source of the All-Embracing, they should compose that Whole which, in the Hope of our Common Endless Uni-Being, may actualize the sense and striving of everything that exists in the entire Universe.

Chapter 39 The Holy Planet Purgatory

“…our Common Father Creator Almighty …directed the action of …forces from within the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute into the space of the Universe, whereupon there came into being the ‘Emanation of the Sun Absolute,’ which is now called ‘Theomertmalogos’ or ‘Word-God.’

Views from the Real World

Questions and answers on art, etc.

…From the Absolute, emanations go in every direction, but we will take one—the Cosmic Ray on which we are: the Moon, Organic Life, the Earth, the Planets, the Sun, All Suns, the Absolute. The Cosmic Ray goes no further.

Emanations from the Absolute meet other matter and are converted into new matter, gradually becoming denser and denser and changing according to law. …And since, as in ourselves, there is both evolution and involution, the process can go either up or down, and do has the power to transform into si, or in the other direction into re…

New York, February 24, 1924: Man Is Subject To Many Influences…

Each man has different kinds of emanations, with their own laws, allowing of various combinations.

Emanations of one center form various combinations with emanations of another center. …Everything has its emanations and its atmosphere. The nature of each atmosphere is different from others because each has a different origin, each has different properties, and a different content. They are similar to one another, but the vibrations of their matter differ.

The carriage, our body, has an atmosphere with its own special properties.
My feelings also produce an atmosphere, the emanations of which may go a long way.
When I think as a result of my associations, the result, is emanations of a third kind.

When there is a passenger instead of an empty place in the carriage, emanations are also different, distinct from the emanations of the driver…

Thus every man may have four kinds of emanations, but not necessarily. Of some emanations he may have more, of others less. People are different in this respect; and one and the same man may also be different at different times. I had coffee but he hadn’t—the atmosphere is different. I smoke but she sighs.

…Every minute I am this or that, and around me it is so or so. And the influences inside me also vary. I can change nothing. I am a slave. These influences I call chemico-physical.

…To free oneself of chemico-physical influences, one has to be passive. I repeat, these are the influences which are due to the emanations of the atmosphere of the body, of feeling, of thought, and in some people also of ether. To be able to resist these influences one has to be passive. Then one can become a little freer of them. …

Emanations remain where there is calm, where there is no friction, where there is an empty place. If there is no room, if everything is full, emanations may hit against me but they rebound or pass by. If I am calm, I have an empty place so I can receive them; but if I am full they do not trouble me. So I am ensured in either case….

The Reality of Being

118. A flagrant contradiction

We are not what we believe ourselves to be. I always say that I seek, but in reality I am sought. I do not know this enough. Something I could believe in is missing, something absolutely true that would be like new knowledge, a force that would prevail over my inertia.

I need to have a force in me coming from a higher level of the cosmos. It must become part of what I am. It should emanate and radiate in me.

#94. A cosmic scale

Each person has an ideal, an aspiration for something higher. It takes one form or another, but what matters is the call to this ideal, the call of his being. Listening to the call is the state of prayer. While in this state, a man produces an energy, a special emanation, which religious feeling alone can bring. These emanations concentrate in the atmosphere just above the place where they are produced. The air everywhere contains them. The question is how to enter into contact with these emanations. By our call we can create a connection, …and take in this material in order to let it accumulate and crystallize in us. We then have the possibility to manifest its quality and help others understand—that is, to give it back. True prayer is establishing this contact and being nourished by it, nourished by this special material, which is called Grace….

We need to understand the idea of a cosmic scale, that there is a link connecting humanity with a higher influence. …the purpose of being alive, can only be understood in relation to forces whose scale and grandeur go beyond ourselves. I am here to obey, to obey an authority that I recognize as greater because I am a particle of it… …my wish to be is a cosmic wish and that my being needs to situate itself and find its place in a world of forces. …

We feel that without this relation with a higher energy, life has not much meaning. But by ourselves alone, we will not have the force to achieve it. A certain current, a certain magnetism, needs to be created in which each person finds his place, that is, the place which will permit the current to be better established. Our whole responsibility is here….