2020-12-07 Conscience

(Aphorism:) The worse the conditions of life the more productive the work, always provided you remember the work.

In Search of the Miraculous

Chapter 7 (excerpts)

“If we grasp its full meaning the law of octaves gives us an entirely new explanation of the whole of life, of the progress and development of phenomena on all planes of the universe observed by us. …

“All this and many other things can only be explained with the help of the law of octaves together with an understanding of the role and significance of ‘intervals’ which cause the line of the development of force constantly to change, to go in a broken line, to turn round, to become its ‘own opposite’ and so on.

“This law shows why straight lines never occur in our activities, why, having begun to do one thing, we in fact constantly do something entirely different…

Such a course of things, that is, a change of direction, we can observe in everything. After a certain period of energetic activity or strong emotion or a right understanding a reaction comes, work becomes tedious and tiring; moments of fatigue and indifference enter into feeling; instead of right thinking a search for compromises begins; suppression, evasion of difficult problems. But the line continues to develop though now not in the same direction as at the beginning. Work becomes mechanical, feeling becomes weaker and weaker, descends to the level of the common events of the day; thought becomes dogmatic, literal. Everything proceeds in this way for a certain time, then again there is reaction, again a stop, again a deviation. The development of the force may continue but the work which was begun with great zeal and enthusiasm has become an obligatory and useless formality; a number of entirely foreign elements have entered into feeling—considering, vexation, irritation, hostility; thought goes round in a circle, repeating what was known before, and the way out which had been found becomes more and more lost.

“Nothing can develop by staying on one level. Ascent or descent is the inevitable cosmic condition of any action. We neither understand nor see what is going on around and within us, either because we do not allow for the inevitability of descent when there is no ascent, or because we take descent to be ascent. These are two of the fundamental causes of our self-deception.

Beelzebub’s Tales

Chapter 34 Beelzebub in Russia (excerpted)

(Re: Bolshevism) …’annihilation of everything already attained by them’ was taking place… as a result of two independent factors, the first being the cosmic law of Solioonensius, and the second, as always, those same abnormal conditions of ordinary being-existence established by them themselves.

“…the causes that give rise to the action of (Solioonensius), …always flow from and depend upon what is called the ‘common-cosmic harmonious movement’, and as regards your planet Earth, what is called the ‘center of gravity of causes’ (is) brought about by the ‘periodic tension’ of the sun of its system, brought about in its turn by the influence upon this sun, of a neighboring solar system…

“It is only because the data for the sacred impulse of being-Conscience do not take part in the functioning of this consciousness of theirs that the action of the law of Solioonensius, as well as of other inevitable cosmic laws, assumes these abnormal forms which are so lamentable for them.

Chapter 27 Ashiata Shiemash

…Ashiata Shiemash … explained in detail, among other things, what this being-impulse of Objective Conscience is, and how factors for its manifestation arise in the presence of three-brained beings.

…’The factors for the being-impulse of Objective Conscience arise in three-brained beings from the localization in their presence of particles of the “emanations of the sorrow” of our All-Loving and Long-Suffering, Endless Creator, that is why the source of manifestation of genuine Conscience in three-centered beings is sometimes called the “Representative of the Creator. ”

” ‘And this sorrow is formed in our All-Maintaining Common Father from the struggle constantly proceeding in the Universe between joy and sorrow.’

“And he said further… ‘In all … three-centered beings of our entire Universe … including us men, owing to the data … engendering in us the divine impulse of Conscience, “all of us” and the whole of our essence, in its very foundation, are, and must be, only suffering. …

” ‘Consequently, … we men existing on the Earth, … must always inevitably struggle with the two quite opposite functionings arising and proceeding in our common presence, the results of which are always sensed by us either as “desires” or as “nondesires.”

” ‘And so, only he who consciously assists the process of this inner struggle, and consciously assists the “nondesires” to prevail over the “desires,” behaves in accordance with the Being of our Common Father Creator Himself, whereas he who consciously assists the contrary only increases His sorrow.

The Reality of Being

#34. Feeling allows relation (excerpted)

All the possibilities are in me, but I can pass my life without any real change. The highest energy, which gives birth to all others, is in me. It is part of me. The question is not to make it appear but to allow it to appear, to submit to its action. The more I try, the more the way is restricted .. . nothing gets through. I must learn to submit voluntarily to its influence. The active force and the passive force are always present in us. But two forces alone are not enough. They are not related. A third, reconciling force needs to appear, a certain feeling that allows a relation and thus transforms everything.

If we could see the action of this law of forces, we would understand better why it is so difficult to be present to oneself and to remain here. I need to be present to two parts of myself at the same time, and to experience the necessity of a reconciling force between them. A new feeling must then appear—a feeling of “I” that is turned toward a greater reality in which I participate and, at the same time, drawn by the world in which I live. The call of these two worlds requires me to be present, understanding that they cannot exist without each other and that one should be spiritualized by the other. A conscious relation must appear.


Paraboloa article: January 29, 2015, Material from talks with John Bennett at his International Academy for Continuous Education at Sherborne House, Gloucester, England.

…closely connected with Conscience is also Compassion, because we mustn’t think that Conscience is critical of us. This is simply how it feels to us.

… when we see clearly, and we look at people and see through the mask of their personality—what they want to present to us—and we see them without their mask as we see ourselves without our mask, then we come to realize one most necessary thing, and that is that we are all in the same boat. As long as we feel that we’re different from other people, whether we think we’re better than they are or worse, it is blindness. We’re not better or worse than other people, we are one. This is what Conscience can do to us.

It can bring us towards realizing that we’re not separate from other people, by showing us what is behind the mask; that it is the mask that separates.